Our Vision
FACES envisions an interconnected world where people are healthy and free to realize their potential through cooperation and solidarity. We aspire for communities that are accountable for the safety and well-being of each other and Mother Earth. We hope for a world where people respect the interdependence of species, protect and preserve the resources of the environment, and sustain all living creatures for present and future generations.
Our Mission
FACES is an intergenerational organization that works for environmental justice within communities in the United States and in the Philippines, and builds partnerships through advocacy, education, service, and organizing.
Board of Directors 2009-2011
Aileen Suzara, Co-chair
Diana Abellera, CAREnow! and Face2Face
Terry Bautista, Finance and Fundraising
Camela Nitollama, Face2Face
Ron Quesada, Membership
Al Reyes, Finance and Fundraising
Mari Rose Taruc, CAREnow!